GTA 4 The Ballad of Gay Tony storyline by Mr Mythix

 GTA 4 The Ballad of Gay Tony storyline by Mr Mythix

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GTA 4 The Ballad of Gay Tony storyline by Mr Mythix

Grand Theft Auto 4 the ballad of gay tony was devolped by Rockstar Games. This game was released on 29th October, 2009.

So in this article I will cover the storyline of Grand Theft Auto 4 the ballad of gay tony.


  • Beginning
  • Gay Tony in Game
  • Gracie Ancelott in  Game
  • Head in Box
  • Luis meets Rocco
  • Luis meets Yusuf


Luis Lopez is being held hostage at the Bank of Liberty, during a robbery involving Niko Bellic and McReary brothers. A local gun club member lying next to him, shoots and kills one of the robbers and is then killed by the Mc Reary brothers in retaliation. In the aftermath of the robbery, Luis is being questioned by the police about the incident before proceeding to Gay Tony's loft.


Gay Tony in Game

Tony is a famous entrepreneur of the town who owns two nightclubs, Maisonette9 and Hercules and Luis is his close friend and business partner who mainly helps to dealwith the security issues. Just as they chat, Rocco Pelosi, a senior Ancelotti mobster,and his accomplice Vince enter the loft and collect Tony's club income for the weekas interest repayment on an outstanding loan. Then Tony discusses with Luis his situation with his two clubs. In an attempt to curry favor with Rocco, Luis and Tony went to the Chinatown to senior Triad for negotiate a deal. The discussions with the Set of three before long dismiss and Luis safeguards Tony as they get away from Chinatown.Luis visits his mom, who also has financial issues. 

A loan shark, Santo often shows up in her house threatening to destroy her property if she does not pay the debt. Luis makes adeal with Santo by attending an under-ground fistfight and diving in the final round whichcan help Santo to make profit. Then Santo cancels his mother’s debt. When Luis re-visitshis mother, he finds his childhood friends Henrique and Armando there. Luis' mother does not approve of his lifestyle and would like him to attend to college, Luis shirks and leaves with his friends. Henrique and Armando are heavily involved with the narcotics distribution trade. Luis escort them to a trading site but they are ambushed by LCPD. Luis fights against the police and leads his friends to safety. However, his friends don’t quitas some days later, Luis again helps them in a gunfight with some gangsters in the dock for procuring a shipment of heroin. During his business, Luis becomes acquainted with Yusuf Amir, a real estate developer in Liberty City. He has a wealthy and severe father who dislikes his indulgent lifestyle. Yusuf wants to franchise Tony's nightclub Maisonette9, and hires Luis as a mercenary. His taste is weird though and he asks Luis to helps him acquire several rare vehicles, including an experimental military grade helicopter from some arm dealer on a yacht, an APC tank used by the National Office Of Security Enforcement,and even a subway carriage. 

Luis also helps Yusuf avoid a trap on Rotterdam Tower, in which two of Yusuf’s associates, Tahir and Ahmed, want to sell Yusuf to the government. After that, Yusuf and Luis develops a solid friendship. In the mean time, Tony is going in a descending twisting because of substance misuse, provided by his boyfriend Evan Greenery. Evan and Luis and also Tony went to the docks to buy the  diamonds cost of $2 million  from a cook. During the exchange, members of the The Lost attack and kill Evan and acquire the diamonds. After they escape the gunfight,Tony promises Luis that he will quit the substance abuse and introduces Luis to Mori Kibbutz,and his younger brother Brucie. 

Mori is highly egotistical, constantly bullies and belittles Brucie, a source of irritation to Luis who repeatedly stands up for the younger brother.Mori is a loan shark to Tony and promises to cancel Tony’s debt if Luis can help him with some illegal affairs. Through entering Triathlons and undertaking dangerous police chases, Luis eventually manages to cancel Tony's debt to Mori. After Brucie finally retaliates and punches Mori, he later shows up at Maisonette 9 to thank Luis.Tony and Luis meet Ray Bulgarin and his associate Timur at Maisonette 9, who offer Luis some work in exchange for financial help. Luis helps Bulgarin eliminate some corrupt federal agents and acquire the Liberty City Rampage hockey team by killing its owner,Ashvilli.


Gracie Ancelotti in Game

GTA 4 The Ballad of Gay Tony storyline by Mr Mythix

Gracie Ancelotti, a friend of Tony, gets Tony back on the drugs and is later kidnapped by unknown assailants. The Ancelottis lay out that Gracie has been captured on account of the precious stones and are pointing the fault at Tony and Luis. Tony discovers that the precious stones are being traded at The Libertonian,and sends Luis to recover them. Luis sneaks in and hides outside a window. Just as Niko and Johnny are trading the diamonds with Jewish mobsters, Luis ambushes the exchange, retrieve the diamonds from a Jewish mobster and then escapes in the chopper borrowed from Yusuf.

Gracie’s father, Giovanni Ancelotti, then orders Luis and Tony to trade the diamonds with the kidnappers and get Gracie back. At the exchange, Tony and Luis find the kidnappers are Niko and Packie Mc Reary. Bulgarin suddenly shows up and orders his men to attack them.Bulgarin flees the scene and amidst the chaos the diamonds fall into a dump truck headed the opposite direction. Luis, Tony and Gracie escape in a speedboat.One day, Bulgarin phones Luis, telling him to go to the roof of a building in midtown.As Luis arrives, he is told to uncover a box next to him.


Head in box

What makes him astonish is that there's a severed head inside. Bulgarin tells Luis that this is the head of the cook they previously traded diamonds from and the diamonds originally belong to Bulgarin. He accuses the cook, Luis and Tony of colluding to steal the diamonds and wants to kill them all. Luis finds himself ambushed by the snipers on the rooftop and he barely escapes alive.Because of being preoccupied with recent events, Tony refuses to pay his debts and the city closes down all of his clubs.


Luis meets Rocco 

GTA 4 The Ballad of Gay Tony storyline by Mr Mythix

Luis meets Rocco and Vince in the restrooms in Middle Park,and they explain to him that he must kill Tony, or the Ancelottis and Russians will team up and kill Tony, Luis and his all other friends and family. Luis shows up at Maisonette9, Rocco and Vince are already there. They give Luis a firearm for kill the Tony and Luis agree on it. He considers prior to pointing the weapon at Vince and shooting him in the head. Tony say to Luis that he not shoot the Rocco, as he is a "made man". Rocco get away and the Russians appear following in a colossal gunfight inside the club. Tony faults Luis for pondering to kill him and escapes to his loft to pack and move to the desert. Luis persuades Tony that he decided not to kill him since it is them against the world, and that they need to determine what is going on. For retaliation, Luis decides to venture to Firefly Island to ambush a Russian heroin exchange, telling Tony to hide out by the Mono globe in Meadows Park.In the fairground, Luis destroys the heroin and kills Timur, who mentions that Bulgarinis fleeing the city by plane within two hours.


Luis meets Yusuf 

GTA 4 The Ballad of Gay Tony storyline by Mr Mythix

After an opportune phone conversation, Yusuf shows up in the helicopter and eliminates the pursuing Russians while Luis drives to the airport. Upon Luis’ arrival, Bulgarin’s jet is about to take off and Luis chases iton his bike. Luis figures out how to load onto the plane, and kills each of the partners in crime ready. Avengeful Bulgarin rises out of the cockpit holding a projectile, undermining obliteration to the two of them in the event that Luis kills him. Luis faces the challenge and shoots Bulgarin, who drops the projectile making it detonate. Luis parachutes out of the consuming destruction of the plane to somewhere safe and secure, and heads to Knolls Park where Tony is pausing. 

After landing, Luis comes across a street dweller and bumps him into a heap of garbage. Luis leaves in a hurry and misses an odd coincidence. The street dweller notices an exquisite pouch in the garbage. After he picks it up, he finds diamonds in it, which is exactly what they traded Gracie with and Niko has lost. Tony is sitting on a bench, relieved when seeing Luis showing up. Yusuf also appears, Tony and Luis tell Yusuf that they won't franchise the clubs since they prefer to keep it a "family business" and the three leave the park together.

                                                                                                     Publisher : Mr Mythix

                                                                                                     Published on : 31/12/2022

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